1. Lip trills – Start with gentle lip trills to warm up your vocal cords and gradually work your way up to higher notes.

2. Sirens – Practice sirens by gliding smoothly from your lower register to your higher register. This exercise helps to stretch your vocal range and strengthen your high notes.

3. Vocal fry – Start from your lowest register and gradually move up through your vocal range using a vocal fry technique. This exercise helps to build strength and control in your upper register.

4. Head voice exercises – Practice exercises that focus on developing your head voice by singing in a light and airy tone. Work on connecting your chest voice to your head voice for a seamless transition into higher notes.

5. Falsetto exercises – Work on singing in falsetto to strengthen your upper register and improve your ability to hit high notes with ease. Practice going back and forth between your falsetto and full voice to develop control.

Maestro Music Records

6. Yodeling exercises – Yodeling involves quickly transitioning between chest voice and head voice, which can help you reach and sustain high notes more effectively. Practice yodelling exercises to develop agility and flexibility in your voice.

7. Staccato exercises – Practice singing short, disconnected notes in your upper register to build strength and control. Focus on maintaining support and proper breath control while hitting high notes.

8. Slide exercises – Practice sliding up to high notes from a comfortable starting pitch to improve your ability to access and sustain high notes. Focus on keeping a relaxed and open throat while sliding up.

9. Interval exercises – Practice singing intervals which include high notes to improve pitch accuracy and develop your ear for higher pitches. Work on recognizing and singing intervals like thirds, fourths, and fifths in scales and arpeggios.

10. Vocal warm-ups – Start each practice session with gentle warm-up exercises to prepare your voice for singing high notes. Focus on maintaining good breath support and releasing tension in your vocal muscles to help you reach your upper range more easily.

In our coaching class, we give the students specific exercises that help them individually to hit high notes.

If you would love to be coached by us, send us a message on WhatsApp

April 3, 2024
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Category: Coaching

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