1. Regularly do hand and finger stretching exercises to improve flexibility and range of motion. Focus on stretching each finger individually, as well as all fingers together.

2. Before practising or playing the piano, do some warm-up exercises to loosen up your hands and fingers. This could include gentle wrist rolls, finger taps on a hard surface, or massaging your hands and fingers.

3. Practice scales and arpeggios. They are great for building flexibility and dexterity in your fingers. Regular practice will improve finger coordination and flexibility.

4. When learning a new piece or technique, practice slowly and deliberately to ensure your fingers are moving smoothly and flexibly. Gradually increase the speed as you become more comfortable.

5. Avoid overworking your hands and fingers by taking regular breaks during practice sessions. Give your hands a chance to rest and recover to avoid fatigue and stiffness.

May 16, 2024
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